Contact me

Lena Wiesbauer.

Co-Founder of flound.

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Lena started her professional journey after completing her Bachelor's degree in Management by Design. During her studies, she deepened her understanding of creative methods such as design thinking and innovation and business model management.

After graduating, Lena moved to Hamburg, where she led projects with well-known clients and conducted inspiring workshops at an innovation agency. As co-founder of flound. she contributes her knowledge of design thinking and innovation management. Lena pursues a holistic approach and sees the combination of creative thinking and strategic management as the key to entrepreneurial success.

Lena Wiesbauer.


Further training

Lena organizes and leads tailor-made further training measures for her clients. Continuous training is important to her in order to keep her clients' skills up to date. Through the targeted organization of training courses, workshops and online courses, she not only promotes the personal and professional development of her clients, but also helps to keep their knowledge up to date.


With her keen eye for innovation, Lena supports her clients in understanding and proactively responding to the latest developments in their industry. Her ability to identify current technological trends, market developments and global changes enables her clients to develop innovative solutions to their professional challenges. Lena uses her affinity for trends to guide her clients on the path to future success and ensure they are always at the cutting edge of industry development.

Knowledge Transfer

Lena actively promotes the transfer of knowledge within her clients' teams.Through her clear communication and ability to convey complex concepts in an understandable way, she acts as a valued advisor to her clients' employees.She recognizes the importance of knowledge transfer as a tool to promote team spirit and increase efficiency. Lena fosters a culture of sharing and learning within client organizations, which not only improves individual skills but also supports the collective growth and development of employees.