Nippon Navigator #3 - Demographics and their impact on technology, business and society

3 min read

Demographic change in Japan: a lesson for Europe?

In the latest episode of the Nippon Navigator podcast, Gregory Glanzmann, an expert on Japanese culture and business, and Maximilian Böger, a specialist in European business models, take a deep dive into Japan's demographic development and its influence on innovative and unusual business models. A topic that is of growing importance not only in Japan, but also in Europe.

Japan is facing a unique challenge: a rapidly ageing society coupled with a continuous population decline that is the size of a medium-sized city like Dresden every year. This change is having a profound impact on everyday life, the economy and the structure of society.

Despite the shrinking working population, Japan has managed to significantly increase the labor force participation rate while simultaneously increasing its gross domestic product. A key strategy here was the integration of women into the labor market and the introduction of childcare services, which can be observed particularly in urban centers. In addition, a large proportion of retirees remain active in the workforce, which distinguishes Japan from many other countries.

Another exciting aspect is Japan's approach to solving the demographic dilemma through technology and innovation. Examples include the government-sponsored dating app "Tokyo Futari Story", which aims to provide safety in online dating, and the increasing use of IT support contracts for seniors to drive digitization across all age groups.

Particularly intriguing are Japan's advances in robotics and AI, ranging from household robots to companion robots for seniors, such as Sony's AIBO, a robotic seal that keeps elderly people company. These technologies promise to improve quality of life while addressing the challenges of an ageing society.

Japan's approach to demographic change offers valuable insights and inspiration for Europe. The combination of social reforms, technological innovations and a new perspective on age and work could also open up new avenues in this country. The Nippon Navigator invites you to learn from Japan's experience and reassess the potential of an ageing society.

This episode is a must for anyone interested in the intersection of demographics, business and technology. Japan shows that even in an ageing society there are opportunities for growth and innovation.

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