Forecasts: AI in the year 2024

3 min read

As experts in the field of artificial intelligence, we have conducted an analysis of current research and forecasts to list the most important developments in the AI sector for 2024. These predictions, based on studies and assessments by leading institutions and analysts, outline a picture of the AI trends that will shape the technological landscape in the coming year.

Forecasts for AI 2024

  1. Data-driven AI applications:

    Companies that invest in the quality and availability of their data assets will particularly benefit from generative AI. In Europe, the General Data Protection Regulation and the EU AI Act are promoting greater awareness and maturity in the handling of data.

  2. Product-centric AI initiatives:

    Companies will increasingly focus on AI-based products and services in 2024. This shift will enable faster business processes, promote innovation and focus on customer needs.

  3. Rise of generative search engines:

    New players such as Perplexity AI could challenge traditional search engines through superior natural language processing and provide a more efficient, contextualized search experience.

  4. Increasing AI regulation:

    2024 will be a pivotal year for AI regulation, with new policies in the EU and US creating a structured framework for the ethical and safe use of AI.

  5. National Large Language Models (LLMs):

    Countries will develop their own LLMs to avoid dependence on the USA and China. Smaller, efficient LLMs that can keep up with larger models in terms of quality are also expected.

  6. Increasing AI budgets in China:

    China is expected to significantly increase its investment in AI research and development, possibly linked to an attempt to bring back leading AI researchers from the US.

  7. Challenges for India's IT sector:

    With the increasing automation of routine software development tasks through AI, Indian outsourcing companies could come under pressure as a significant portion of their GDP comes from the software industry.

  8. Breakthroughs in deep reinforcement learning:

    Deep reinforcement learning is expected to make significant progress, especially in combination with large language models, which could lead to more effective solutions to complex problems.

  9. Development of special AI hardware:

    More efficient AI applications could be made possible by hardware specially developed for AI, such as the architectures presented by IBM, which promise significantly higher efficiency than conventional hardware.

These forecasts show that 2024 will be a year in which AI technology will establish itself in various areas and make a significant contribution to the transformation of the economy and society.

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