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Joerg Rose.



why is joerg our expert?

Jörg is an expert at flound. and the key figure when it comes to combining advanced technology concepts with strategic business objectives. His expertise in managing digital transformation projects and developing technology strategies is unique. Thanks to his deep knowledge of the Silicon Valley ecosystem and his successful career as a consultant and entrepreneur in the technology sector, he guides the identification and implementation of market-changing innovations. His academic qualifications and professional experience enable him to generate sustainable growth and competitive advantage.


Joerg Rose.

Personal introduction

Jörg is an expert in transatlantic relations and lives on the vibrant West Coast of the USA, in close proximity to the innovations from Silicon Valley. Through his diverse experience, he brings valuable insights, methodologies and the spirit of the US technology sector to the world of flound.

His professional journey has been characterized by various stages in which he has transformed his passion for novel, disruptive ideas into marketable products. He has acted as an entrepreneur, intrapreneur and consultant, always with the aim of optimizing customer value and increasing company value. His academic background as an industrial engineer from RWTH Aachen University forms a solid basis for his actions.

Innovation & digital transformation

Jörg is a visionary in the field of innovation and digital transformation. With his in-depth experience and understanding of technology, he drives change and supports companies in facing the challenges of the digital era. His holistic approach includes identifying opportunities, developing strategies and implementing solutions to turn innovation into real business success.

Technology Strategy

As a technology strategist, Jörg excels at understanding complex technological landscapes and identifying strategic ways to leverage these technologies for business success. His expertise ranges from evaluating emerging technology trends to developing comprehensive strategies that help companies maximize their technological advantages and gain a competitive edge.

Go-to-Market Expert

Jörg is a proven expert in go-to-market strategies, helping companies to effectively launch and successfully position their products and services. With his in-depth market knowledge and understanding of customer needs, he develops customized go-to-market plans aimed at creating a differentiated competitive position and increasing sales. His holistic approach includes the development of marketing strategies, distribution channels and partnerships to drive sustainable growth.