Spatial Computing Workshops: Training for the digital future

3 min read

In a world increasingly permeated by technology, spatial computing is rapidly establishing itself as a revolutionary field that is fundamentally changing the way we interact with the digital environment. By integrating virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, spatial computing is creating a seamless interface between the physical and digital worlds. This article looks at the importance of spatial computing, why consulting and training in this area are essential and how they open the door to countless opportunities in various industries.

What is spatial computing?

Spatial computing encompasses technologies that enable computers to recognise and understand objects in the real world and navigate in a three-dimensional space. It enables users to interact with digital applications through natural movements and gestures in the physical world. A simple example of this is the use of AR for indoor navigation in shopping centres or airports, where digital cues are displayed in real space to guide the way.

The importance of consulting and training

With the advent of spatial computing comes new challenges and opportunities for organisations. In order to use these technologies effectively, it is essential to familiarise yourself with the latest developments and best practices. This is where consulting and training come into play.

Consultancy in Spatial Computing

Consulting services help companies to recognise and strategically integrate the potential of spatial computing. Experts in this field provide insights into the latest trends, identify use cases and develop customised solutions tailored to specific business objectives. They play a crucial role in minimising risks and maximising the ROI of investments in spatial computing.

Education and training

For specialists and interested parties, further education and training courses offer the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of spatial computing. From basic courses that provide an overview of the fundamentals to specialised workshops on topics such as AR development or AI-driven spatial analysis, there is a wide range of opportunities for further training. These educational opportunities are crucial to keep up with the rapid development in this field and to develop innovative solutions.

The impact on various industries

Spatial computing has the potential to transform almost every industry. In retail, AR applications can improve the shopping experience through virtual fitting rooms or interactive product information. In healthcare, it enables surgical training simulations and improved patient care through visualised diagnostic data. In education, immersive learning environments open up new ways of learning and teaching.


Spatial computing is on the cusp of radically changing the way we work, learn and play. Through consultancy and training, individuals and organisations can take full advantage of this technology and be at the forefront of digital transformation. Investing in knowledge and skills in this area is not only an investment in your own future, but also in the future of our digitally connected world.

For those who want to be at the forefront of this exciting wave, now is the perfect time to develop their skills through consultancy and training in spatial computing. The possibilities are limitless and the journey has only just begun.

A leap into the future of spatial computing: Discover the sense. Workshop by flound.

The world of spatial computing is about to revolutionise everything you thought you knew about digital interactions. With the sense. Workshop by flound. we open the door to this fascinating new world. Thanks to the groundbreaking Apple Vision Pro glasses, which offer gesture-based control, immersive 3D visualisations and smooth integration into your daily work routine, this workshop is more than just a demonstration - it's an invitation to actively participate in shaping the future of spatial computing.

A customised journey of discovery

The sense. Workshop has been specifically designed to meet the needs of your organisation and industry. It starts with an inspiring keynote that provides you with essential information and gives you the chance to try out the Apple Vision Pro glasses for yourself in an interactive session. But flound. goes one step further: together we explore ideas for integrating AR, VR or XR technologies that are customised specifically for your company. This approach guarantees that you can realise the full potential of Apple Vision Pro for your business by developing applications that are precisely tailored to the requirements and goals of your company.

Why should you take part?

Participation in the sense. Workshop not only gives you the opportunity to experience the Apple Vision Pro glasses in advance. It will also give you unique insights into the possibilities offered by spatial computing and how it can broaden your perspective on technology, interaction and integration into your work. By co-creating and evaluating ideas for the new technology, you will receive customised solutions that can transform your business. Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to explore the future of technology and understand how it can drive your business forward.

Be part of the revolution

Prepare your business for the next stage of technological evolution. Don't wait for the future to catch up with you - take the initiative now. Message us directly to find out more about the sense. Workshop and secure your place. Together with flound. you can explore the possibilities of Apple Vision Pro and spatial computing. The future is waiting to be shaped by you.

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