Experience and test Apple Vision Pro NOW before European release!

3 min read

In einer Welt, in der die Grenzen zwischen physischer Realität und digitaler Erweiterung immer mehr verschwimmen, steht eine bahnbrechende Innovation kurz vor der Einführung: die Apple Vision Pro. Als jemand, der stets an der Spitze der technologischen Entwicklung stehen möchte, bietet dir flound. eine einmalige Gelegenheit. Noch vor der offiziellen Einführung in Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz kannst du die Apple Vision Pro in unserem exklusiven sense. Workshop nicht nur entdecken, sondern auch hautnah erleben.

A leap into the future of spatial computing

The sense. workshop by flound. is more than just a demonstration; it's an invitation to actively shape the future of spatial computing. The Apple Vision Pro glasses promise to revolutionize the augmented reality experience with gesture-based control, immersive 3D visualizations and seamless integration into your everyday work. This workshop offers you the chance to push the boundaries of technology and gain an exclusive insight into this revolutionary world.

A customized journey of discovery for your company

The workshop is specifically tailored to the needs of your company and your industry. In addition to essential information in an inspiring keynote and the opportunity to test the glasses in an interactive session, we go one step further. We work together to develop and evaluate ideas for integrating AR, VR or XR glasses specifically for your company. This process ensures that you can realize the full potential of Apple Vision Pro for your business by developing customized applications that are tailored to your company's needs and goals.

Why take part?

Participation in the sense. Workshop not only offers you the opportunity to experience the Apple Vision Pro in advance. It also offers unique insights into the possibilities of spatial computing and how it can broaden your perspective on technology, interaction and integration into your work. By co-creating and evaluating integration ideas for the new technology, you will receive customized solutions that can transform your business. This is an exclusive opportunity to explore the future of technology and understand how it can drive your business forward.

Be part of the revolution

Prepare your company for the next stage of technological evolution. Don't wait for the future to catch up with you. Take the initiative and write us a message directly, to find out more about the sense. workshop and secure your place. Together with flound. you can explore the possibilities of Apple Vision Pro and Spatial Computing. The future is waiting to be shaped by you.

We currently (as of February 7, 2024) have many requests and only a limited number of Apple Vision Pro glasses. A prompt request is recommended so that the workshop can still be held at your company in February/March 2024.

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