
Swiss Life AG

For Swiss Life AG's Kickoff Event 2024, we presented a groundbreaking keynote speech with an interactive session on artificial intelligence, data analysis and the latest future technologies. Find out how our experts, Dr. Maximilian Böger and Leon Geywitz, made the event an unforgettable experience for around 250 participants with their expert presentation and interactive elements.

"It was very entertaining, interactive and therefore very tangible."

Sebastian Weigelt


What we did for Swiss Life AG

Initial situation:

Swiss Life was faced with the challenge of raising awareness of artificial intelligence, data analysis and future technologies among their internal and external sales teams in an innovative and entertaining way. Given the rapid developments in these areas and their relevance to the insurance industry, it was crucial to create a deep understanding and enthusiasm for these technologies.


The aim of the 60-minute keynote was not only to impart theoretical knowledge to the participants, but also to actively involve them in the presentation through an interactive session. Dr. Maximilian Böger led through the event in an entertaining and practical manner, while Leon Geywitz captivated the audience with an accompanying interaction. The focus was on creating an "aha experience" and a strong "we-feeling" among the participants, inspiring them to shape the future together.


The keynote and the interactive session met with an enthusiastic response. The participants were not only able to understand the technologies addressed, but also "feel" and "experience" them. The integration of concrete case studies, which were specifically tailored to Swiss Life and the current challenges in the industry, resulted in a lively and relevant dialog. The follow-up with documents and access points ensured that the participants were able to deepen what they had learned and take it with them into their everyday work.

Swiss Life sees the successful event as a milestone in the further development of its strategic orientation in dealing with future technologies with the help of the knowledge and motivation gained from this keynote. flound. has proven to be a strong partner that will continue to provide support in the development and implementation of innovative solutions in the future.

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